I was fooling around last week(and I mean real, desultory, aimless doodling), browsing the internet and looking at some photos online simultaneously. I spied a friend's photo of his wife, which was a very nice snap, and grabbing some printer paper, drew her in a sort of reverse-tablet scenario. Pretty crummy--so I flipped the paper over and, not looking at the photo but instead at the faint bleed through of the Copic marker, drew a flopped one. Not much better, but I still think it has personality(and that's not a compliment to me, but to the original photograph and of course, the original person).
Then I got annoyed as yet another Copic marker was fizzling out on me...so as it lay dying I drew this other thing with both barely-there ends.
I sure do love these markers, but I make a mess of refilling them so they don't last long for me.

Here's another tablet/alias doodle of the same girl-my impression of her,that is.