Friday, September 01, 2006

under the weather

Few things as sad-looking as a sick dog. Well, of course, lots of things are really, but when the poor blighter is usually so peppy and goofy and uncontrollable and he's suddenly having a painful day, it's tough. The really hard thing with animals as with kids is that a)they're helpless and b)they don't understand why they're hurting. They just try to make the best of it. I hope I figure out what the trouble is with Weetie here. he seems to have pulled his back out, if that's possible.

On a wildly different note--have a wonderful weekend, all!


MrBubblesNSunshine said...

Poor guy!

I wish him a speedy recovery! Make him drink lots of liquids and watch lots of bad 80's movies.


MrBubblesNSunshine said...

i don't even know what I meant by that last comment. It's just something I do when I'm sick.

May I recommend NIght Of The Comet?


Jenny Lerew said...

Ha! Sounds perfect! As long as he's got popcorn, he'll sit still for the movie. Will definitely cheer him up.

That, and the 8am appt. at the vet's tomorrow.

Unknown said...

awww , i hope he's feeling better.

Unknown said...

Love the expression of the dog!

the doodlers said...

Good luck with your sick boy. We hope he's over it soon. Sweet sweet sketch. Maybe he et sompin' bad? I say that last line with a super hokey hillbilly accent.


HAAAA...its so sad! What a great drawing Jenny!